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Video Interviews About the 1st Year as a Franchise Partner


The best way to see how a franchise works from the inside is to hear it from a franchise partner. A year ago, Gary Dimond took the leap into franchise ownership and the first-year results did not disappoint. In fact, Gary’s project managed 38 insurance claims with an approximate value of £470,000.  

Read on and watch the series of interviews to hear all about the reality of Gary’s first year as a Concept Claim Solutions franchise partner:

The First 3 Months

How did you find the initial training?

“My journey started with training at the Head Office in Preston, which was fantastic. It was delivered by a brilliant trainer, David Nelson, who has lived and breathed the Concept business for over 20 years.

Next, it involved spending a week with an experienced mentor, which was also a great experience; the mentoring support has been ongoing. That was followed by our National Business Development Manager spending time with me in the territory promoting the service. By week 3, I had my first insurance claim to manage and have been extremely busy since.”

What types of insurance claims have you managed so far?

By month 3, I had ten insurance claims leads, ranging from an escape of water in the home to fire and subsidence. One of the water damage claims was particularly large, about £100,000 plus. Head Office quickly provided someone to support me on the first visit to assess the damage.”

Months 4 to 6

How much work did you have by month 6 of trading?

“I have plenty of work; the insurance claims that have been fully scoped out total about £153,000. It’s a mixture of work, with the most common type of insurance claims being related to escapes of water.  

Coming into month 6, I have everything I need to push the business forward and feel really confident. My personal goal for year 2 is to achieve a million-pound turnover!”

Being new to both the insurance and building sector, has the support been there to help you?

“When I first joined, I was worried about my lack of insurance and building knowledge, but one thing I quickly recognised is that you feel part of the bigger team. Although you’re running your own business, there is a team atmosphere. What I’ve found is that everyone is working towards the same goal. Nothing is too much trouble. There is always someone who will make themselves available to help you. The advice is superb; they really break it down and are patient with you”.

Months 7 to 9

Does the business meet your expectations?

“The business has more than met my expectations; there is plenty of work if you follow the business model. I have a steady flow of claims coming in and no longer have the little voice in the back of my head, panicking over whether there is enough work. I’ve got the opposite problem; there’s too much work. I’m now considering employing someone to help”.

Do you still feel supported?

“I feel fully supported. There are multiple challenges on a weekly basis, but all I have to do is call someone from Head Office. They provide you with reassurance and valuable advice, and there hasn’t been any challenge I haven’t been able to manage”.

What is your advice to someone who is looking at joining CCS?

“It’s a great opportunity. If you’re prepared to put the work in and have an appetite for the industry, you can certainly make a successful business. Just jump in with both feet”.

End of the First Year

Now 12 months in, did the training provided really prepare you?

“The training has been continuous. There is never a week that goes by where I’m not speaking to Head Office for advice, just to get a second pair of eyes on a report or learn wee nuggets here and there. The support team really encourage you to drive forward your business and succeed.”

Have you been happy with Concept Claim Solutions, and does your experience match what you were told during the recruitment process?

“I’ve been very happy; Concept is flexible, and understand everyone has different needs and training requirements. Your certainty never left on your own. I feel fully supported even 12 months down the line. I have a great group of people around me to help me further succeed in year 2”.

Were the start-up and operating forecast you were provided accurate?

“It was very accurate when you look at the business plan and forecast. It’s been almost exact to the penny!”

What are your plans for the next 12 months?

“Now, at month 12, I’m at the stage where things have certainly started to gather momentum with the business. There are lots of referral partners on board; I can really see the potential of how the business can grow. The next step is to free up some of my time by bringing on another person to support with admin and managing the claims.

When the first trading year has ended on such a high, you know that year two will be even better!”

Interested and want to know more about Concept Claim Solutions?

The Concept Claim Solutions profile outlines all aspects of their franchise opportunity and allows you to contact them for further information or to ask a question.

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